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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cut Scenes: Busybusybusy

So now that the official banner blog has been finished, WE HAVE MORE.

We found ourselves with a very productive weekend!

Our goals for yesterday were to finish these two pieces:
The website banner for me, and Wraith's hoodie for Dani.

While I slaved over my laptop coloring digitally (-shudder-), Danielle was hunched over her art table inhaling the toxic fumes of bleach for hours on end.
So, my project got it's own blog post, and now it's Dani's turn! :D
 Yes, it's true.
Wraith's hoodie is complete. 

Pics or it didn't happen?
Yeah, that's right. We've got pics >D

Here is the step by step process, just like for the mask. Enjoy~

Welp. All Dani did was wrestle with painter's tape. We should have gotten more pictures of it but it boiled down to looking something like this:

Also, lots of goofing around with tape.


But we both worked diligently for most of the evening.

 (The ball python on the laptop is Lilly. She was ever so graciously acting as our model.)

(Yes, I am left handed.)

        (No, Danielle is not left handed.)

 And when we were both finished, we rewarded ourselves with popcorn and hot Asgardian Gods. 
We do what we want!
April & Dani

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