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Friday, August 24, 2012

Production: Kickstarter Filming for ImaginosPLUS

Hello everyone~

So as April and I are gearing up for Youmacon, our creative family over at Imaginos Workshop are too!

Imaginos Workshop is debuting a comic sampler titled ImaginosPLUS. It will include samples from three of their most popular intellectual properties: Juda Fist, Requiem, and Candy Coated.

Juda Fist

Candy Coated



So this past week, April and I were asked to help out with the filming of a kickstarter video that will hopefully(fingers crossed!) be funding ImaginosPLUS. Since we are new to the group, and both of us have been in theater for the majority of our lives, we jumped at the opportunity to pull our weight in helping out the team.

So April and I (plus our personal photographer, Erika<3) gathered with Mark Dudley and Joe Cain (members of Imaginos Workshop) to film at Comic City in Pontiac.


(If you haven’t been there before you should check it out. April and I both ended up walking away with our fair share of new comics.)

We were handed a script, and began rehearsing. Aside from the minor distractions from interesting titles that covered the walls and shelves, everything went pretty smoothly.


It was great fun all around, and if Joe’s threat becomes a reality, there may be a behind-the-scenes video somewhere available around the interwebs.

The Kickstarter itself is not yet live, but rest assured, we will keep you updated.


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